Kennesaw State Univesity Architecture Thesis Students Receive URCA Funding

The 2019-2020 academic years starts out strong with the department of architecture being awarded a total of $7,000 during this first round of Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities (URCA) funding from the Office of Undergraduate Research.

Congratulations to 7-architecture thesis students—Jared, Devon, Ana, Breck, Caleb, Marysia and Chase— for receiving URCA awards for the maximum amount of $1,000 each to present their research at professional conferences this fall: ACSA: Less Talk | More Action: Conscious Shifts in Architectural Education Conference at Stanford University, California and  Southeast Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians (SESAH) Conference at Clemson University, South Carolina.

Jared TriemerFaith in Humanity: an exploration of spiritually inclusive architecture (advisor: Tim Frank)
Devon Sams, Golden Scrutiny: from Analog-to-Digital  (advisor: Peter Pittman)
Ana Giron, Imaginative Engagement: Consolidating Play and Learning through the Spatial Design of Classrooms(advisor: Arash Soleimani)
Breck Small, Primary Focus: A New Precedent for Ugandan Education (advisor: Giovanni Loreto)
Caleb Lawrence, Atlanta, The Forest City? (advisor: Ed Akins)
Marysia LaRosa, Urban Revitalization of the Rust Belt City (advisor: Ed Akins)
Chase Sisk, How the Automobile Changes Monroe (advisor: Marietta Monaghan)

For information on annual student travel funds available to KSU students, please visit the Office of Undergraduate Research’s website.