Author(s): G. Shankar & Tasnova Iqbal
In a condition of extreme poverty an unquenched need to generate income consequentlycauses distress migration from rural areas to cities. They compose thehighly saturated poverty stricken slums referred as informal often illegal settlementswith very low living standard deprived of basic human rights. These congestedsettlements generate an unhealthy environment. Despite being prone toharsh environmental conditions urban slums display resilience.The question posed is, if the denizens has their current standard of living by choiceor is it the socio economic context that compels them? They are suppressed bythe economy they serve being exploited with minimum wages. Due to low literacythey get trapped by irrational business ventures and creditors to get engulfed in avicious cycle of aggravated events and loan repayment.These sporadic settlements grow near natural resources such as water beingdependent on it but often maltreating the water. These organic developmenterected from basic human needs could be termed as, “rural settlement in theurban morphology”. The grammar of their infrastructural synthesis may instructthe contemporary architecture to use minimal services and encourage optimumuse of a multi-purpose space. The placement of facilities and dwellings in slumsunintentionally create an inviting courtyard. These contained spaces provide forventilation, cooking, playing and social gathering. The rural skills employed delineatea pattern to sustain life in adverse conditions using local and available, cheap,renewable and environmental friendly materials. The one storied residences createsan urban void in the surrounding concrete urban jungle of apartments.The Modus operandi will work parallel to the agents of change. It proposes tounfold the interiors into the surrounding with an open plan. An approach shouldbe initiated to give the inherent grammar a direction. The metamorphosis shouldevolve with community participation without any deliberate intention to imposean expected end. Their mundane routine will dictate on how to effectively implementin phases to synchronize the development with user adaptability and affordability.This diverse settlement will be integrated with the urban strata promotingsocial equity with varying scale of space and facade morphology.
Volume Editors
Alice Kimm & Jaepil Choi